Valley Ford Challenge

Moody Ranch Moody Ranch 13700 Highway One, Valley Ford, CA

Open Sheep & Cattle and Pro Novice Sheep. Judge is Steve Moody. Either McClelland or Cornett sheep. This is an arena trial situated inside of a dairy farm, so there are usually cattle on the surrounding hillside. Information tentative--subject to change

Northern California Wood Growers

Tehama District Fairgrounds 650 Antelope Blvd, Red Bluff, CA

Open and Pro Novice Trials Norcal Wool Grower’s Trial, in Red Bluff, will be held at the Tehama District Fairgrounds, in the trinity parking area. This is an arena trial. We will be using Duncan sheep from Tango Farms. The Judge will be Meta Metal. There will be lots of seating, some shade, and close […]

Beebe Classic Practice Day

Donna Beebe's Ranch 3212 Grubbs Rd, Oroville, CA

All levels from Novice to Advanced are welcome to attend the Beebe Classic Practice Day, in Palermo. Work your dog in the morning. Eat lunch. Work again in the afternoon. The fun will start at 9:00 a.m. This is a members only event. If you have not signed up as a RESDA member, you can […]

Sonoma-Marin Fair

Petaluma Fairgrounds 175 Fairgrounds Drive, Petaluma, CA

Arena trial. Judge is Sheila Brumley-Rios. Cornett (or McClelland) sheep. Contact fair directly for entry. Directions for Participants: Handlers should arrive by 12:00 p.m. (noon). Use livestock gate to enter the grounds.  Information tentative--subject to change